Aug 24 – Nov 4

Wednezday wants to try something new. Like, maybe just normal? But will her kooky ooky family accept her? She meets Ashley who loves the kooky ooky inside of her. But Ashley’s mom wants to blow up the Addams’ mansion to get at the oil underground.

Now Ashley and Wednezday must work together to stop Ashley’s mom and get their families blessings to marry, before all the Addams go up in smoke.

Mrs. Measley
Kerstin Hallows, Sara McDonald
Ashley Measley IV

Geoff Beckstrand, Grayson Kamel


Ashley Haslam, Samantha Isom

Groucho Addams

Brett Myers, Matt O’Malley

Cruella Addams

Britty Marie, Tannah O’Banion

Uncle Ted
Dan Harvey, Todd Michael Thompson
Cousin Bob
Derek Wayman, Lee Daily
Wednezday Addams
Brittany James, Bryn Campbell


Brooklyn Pulver Kohler, Matt Kohler
Musical Director
Maren Hansen
Kerstin Hallows
Zach Hansen, Jill Flanagan
Costume Design
Brytan Todd, Lee Daily
Set Designers, Builders, Painters, & Props
Ken Lineberry, Kent Parker, Ed Davis, Bronson Todd, Riley Newmeyer
Light Design
Bronson Todd
Sound Design
Brytan Todd
Light/Sound Tech
Chelsea McGee, Tiaree McGee, Rachel Holding
Stage Managers
David Bruner, Tracy McGee
Video & Projection Design
Jae Varela, Brytan Todd, Ben Thompson
